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Risk Management and Business Management News

Dear Reader,

It’s crucial that organizations have a strategy to keep up with new technologies that have a real impact in their operational performance and revenues. Over the years we have learned from trial and error, design thinking, engineering, and user experience, we have adapted over the latest tools and technologies, and we have always valued our customers' feedback. Being constantly challenged by the industry inspires us to innovate and challenge back its stakeholders. Times are changing, are you changing as well?

Alvaro Ribeiro, Chief Technology Officer
What's New?
Take a Glimpse into the Future of Telco Risk Management
As the number of connected devices starts to grow at an alarming pace, maintaining efficient business operations and billing are critical for the success of IoT services. Discover the new RAID - it protects service providers from risk during these times of change, with a focus on Operations Support System (OSS) transformation, system consolidation and network monetization operations. It was architected not only to assure the usage of physical assets, but also to maximize the benefits and attributes of SDN and NFV.
RAID 8.1 - What's New
RAID 8.1
What’s going on in the industry
Revenue Assurance in the 5G Era
Our world is becoming more digitally connected by the day. Service providers are looking beyond simple voice and data services. Now, mobile network operators (MNOs), either directly or through partnerships, are offering services such as home security, connected car capabilities and even drone services. With a complex web of partner related services and billing scenarios, these new relationships will generate transformative business models and revenue streams with complex SLAs and pricing strategies. Read our three part story based on different use cases.
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The Road to 5G and Driverless Cars: A Transformation Not Without Risks   5G Services Bring Higher Customer Expectations and Complexities   IoT and the Connected Home
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Did you know... What?
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How MTN Group is leveraging RAID for Revenue Assurance and Fraud Management   Want to stay ahead of the game?
WeMeet Europe 2019    5G & IoT Risk Management
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